Long have we wished that the hardcover Fireborne could match Flamefall and Furysong. And now… they can!
Introducing the #FurysongPostorderCampaign
With help from the fabulous Cinder of @3am_bookmarks and copyright permission from the publisher, we’re providing for you a template to print your own dust jacket of Fireborne to match the sequels. I wrote instructions below for the Fedex website/store printing suite, which prints for $1.24, but any color printer with an 11″x17″ capacity will work.
Please note that the copyright is allowed in this case for non-commercial and promotional use only–which is to say, it would be greatly appreciated if you took a pic and posted on social! (and if you tag @rosariamunda use the hashtag #FurysongPostorderCampaign, you’ll be entered in a giveaway! more details below).
Without further ado, here’s how you make your hardcovers match!
1. Download new cover BASED ON REGION
Download the US 11″x17″ ledger size if you live in the United States. A3 option also available–see below.

2. Print PDF
Any color printer stocked and capable of printing the appropriate paper size in color will work.
If you live in the United States, we recommend uploading your PDF to Fedex Office HERE.

3. Cut
Once you’ve got the cover in hand, cut away the white parts with a scissor, paper cutter, or Xacto knife, depending on how crafty you are. (Fedex locations have onsite paper cutters.)
6. Make your trilogy beautiful and snap a pic!
Remove the old jacket. Replace with the new. And voila!

P.S. You can use the hashtag #FurysongPostorderCampaign with the pic of your matching trilogy to be eligible for a signed, limited edition Fireborne “sampler” with an inscribed quote of your choosing that the author will ship to you.
(Giveaway continues while samplers last. Participants must be legally eligible to enter according to instagram guidelines. International OK.)